FCD is back with three basic diagnostic steps

04.06.2019 09:33 • aktualizováno 04.06.2019 09:33
blog FCD LOG Simulation Multitest
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Jazyk příspěvku: 1989 1987 1990

Quite recently the German magazine KFZ-Betrieb informed that the restricted activities in the German and English versions of the FCD website in the last three years had several reasons. We would like to inform you about the new functions and at the same time, we would like to present the first diagnostic story from our workshop.
You can find detailed information, including an interview with the founder of the FCD.eu portal Libor Fleischhans by clicking on the following link: https://www.kfz-betrieb.vogel.de/fcd-harte-diagnose-nuss-fuer-vertragswerkstatt-geknackt-a-828560/
What have we introduced new? One recipe for successful fault diagnosis! This recipe is based on three customized basic diagnostic steps that should be under no circumstances left out.

After 19 years of existence of the FCD diagnostic portal the FCD Team prefers only three customized diagnostic steps:

1. LOG
2. Multitest
3. Fault location

All these three steps, compared to the car manufacturer diagnostic methods are unconventional and more successful. Our motto, "As the first step, we verify where the fault can't be!" demonstrates the unconventionality.

The problem is the complexity of the many complicated and integrated systems that can be found around the path of the powertrain system, that cooperate and is thus interconnected and have some influence on each other. 
The DTC codes are accompanied for the last 15 years with a "priority". What may happen, is that a DTC with priority "1" will be stored in memory earlier, compared to a fault that could be present much longer during the car's operation, but has lower priority and thus a DTC will not be stored. The reason for this is, that the system doesn't consider this fault during test cycles as sufficiently important and verified.
Surprisingly a DTC with the following message will be stored in memory "Boost Pressure Regulation - Control Range Not Reached", despite the fact that the cause of the problem is in the exhaust manifold and to be more specific the temperature sensor behind the DPF filter is defective. 

Let's be honest, who would replace the temperature sensor in the exhaust just as trial and error, if the fault description quotes that the required turbocharger boost pressure was not reached? Without using our three customized steps, nobody!

The German magazine KFZ Betrieb wrote an article about this case:

Another FCD rule quotes don't touch anything, don't remove anything, don't replace anything, don't re-learn the old adaptive values with new ones before performing initial diagnostic steps (LOG/Multitest). (Typical case is here Erfahrenem Kollegen zu glauben lohnte sich diesmal nicht). With the FCD recommended methods it is possible to quickly and safely achieve the expected success.

One final important note: From experience, we know that technicians that have started using the FCD methods very often fail on their first diagnostic cases because they do not follow our recommended methods and revert back to their old learned habits. 

Obrázky, fotografie a soubory (3)

Live Data obtained from the OBD connector during a test drive"melken" (1990/1)

The LOG recording during a test drive apart from "reading DTC codes" has the capability to record a wide range of values. These captured values can be easily displayed in graphic form. The graphic form allows the data to gain a dynamic development image on a time axis that offers another information dimension from which it is possible to read actual relationships between the individual systems or components.

Fault location the easiest way (1990/2)

The FCD rules are: Reach the target as quickly as possible, this means the easiest way. The actual tests have very strict rules. These strict rules can be bypassed only in very exceptional situations, when the person knows exactly why and for what reason the test was bypassed. The FCD methods go beyond the standard diagnostic methods and tools, that are compulsory in the major car or system manufacturer authorized workshops. We can guarantee that with our methods if all guidelines are fulfilled, no damage can occur.

Banality that cost 8 unsuccessful repair attempts over 6 monthsBanalität, die acht Reparaturversuche innerhalb 6 Monaten kostete (1990/3)

The car with switched fuel hoses was able to drive even for weeks without any fault display, despite the fact that there was an almost critical vacuum in the fuel lines. Only one test drive with a LOG recording (OBD connector) and suddenly everything was clear. The fault problem was sorted within half an hour and with almost no costs.

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