Poslední aktualizace příspěvku


Diagnostický případ

Opravené vozidlo
Libor Fleischhans
Libor Fleischhans
Jazyk případu:

Engine stalls intermittently while driving

23.05.2019 | aktualizováno 28.05.2019 13:56:15 0 22x

Informace o vozidle

VIN: TMBDT21Z6C2029271
Výrobce: Skoda
Model: Octavia II
Rok výroby: 2011
Kód motoru: 1,6 CR TDi
Typ motoru: CAYC
Výkon (kW): 77 kW
Převodovka: Manuální
Palivo: Diesel
Najeto: 275 730 km

Jak se závada projevuje

Nefunguje / funguje nesprávně. The engine loses power quite quickly if the car is driven swiftly or driven under load for longer periods. The engine jerks, then it runs OK for a while and if the vehicle is stopped when the engine is jerking, the engine will stall and cannot be restarted.

Jak často se závada projevuje

  • Sporadicky / za specifických podmínek.
    • Za jiných podmínek. After driving a short while, whenever the engine is under load (it is impossible to overtake without risking an accident)

V jakém systému se závada vyskytuje

  • Motoru.
  • během jízdy
  • [P008700] Fuel Rail / Pressure Too Low
  • [P00C600] Fuel Rail / Pressure Too Low - Engine Cranking
  • [P228C00] Fuel Pressure Regulator A - Limit Exceeded - Pressure Too Low
  • [P229A00] Fuel Pressure Regulator B - Limit Exceeded - Pressure Too Low
  • trvalá závada
  • sporadická závada

Doposud provedeno bez úspěchu

Fuel injectors repaired (metallic noise). Metal particles in system. Everything dismantled and cleaned. Only after all these steps the fault appeared, and according to the customer this as the first time. The following parts were also replaced: rail with fuel pressure sensor and fuel pressure regulator, fuel delivery pump in fuel tank, turbocharger (inspection and cleaning) by the previous workshop.

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