Exhaust Tailpipe Emission Analysis – Diagnostics Aid

25.04.2023 09:51 • aktualizováno 27.03.2023 11:02
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The legally required "Emissions Testing" at the MOT stations is only about 10% of what the emissions test equipment can provide. While there are many drawbacks to measuring with an outdated smoke meter, if used at the tailpipe, it can do a perfect job of measuring the raw emissions of diesel vehicles equipped with DPF filters.
We can use the exhaust gas analysers originally designed for spark-ignition engines only, enhanced with a sensor to measure the nitrogen oxide (NO) component, to diagnose mixture richness and exhaust gas recirculation efficiency on diesel engines.

The smoke meter used at the MOT station to measure tailpipe emissions is useless

The method of measuring opacity by "free acceleration" is very questionable. Firstly, it comes from the early diesel era, and then it's a very ineffective alternative for old engines only, but not for complete vehicles. Why?

  • The smoke meter measures only the "visible" large soot, but it fails to detect the more dangerous micro-soot.
  • It´s impossible to measure the "pure" opacity of the engine at the tailpipe because, during free acceleration, long-term soot deposits collected in the tailpipe, are released by the extreme exhaust flow (max rpm), which normally doesn´t occur under normal operation.
  • The opacity value obtained by the free acceleration test is highly questionable and very easily influenced, so it can simply be reduced by skilful manipulation to half the value or even lower.

The smoke meter can measure raw emissions on vehicles equipped with a DPF filter

By measuring the opacity on the intake hose to the differential pressure sensor in front of the DPF filter, we achieve relatively accurate and, above all, repeatable values. Based on this, we can determine without disassembling parts whether the higher degree of particulate filter saturation is occurring because the engine is generating high raw engine smoke.

Analyzátor výfukových plynů boduje na obou typech motorů

Analyzátor výfukových plynů hlídá celkem 5 parametrů:

  1. CO
  2. HC
  3. CO2
  4. O2
  5. NO
  6. ... a počítá směšovací poměr směsi vyjádřený číslem Lambda

Zatímco u dieselů se diagnostika plynů soustředí kromě čísla Lambda na dvě složky (NO a O2), u zážehových motorů jsou to plyny všechny.

Analyzátor výfukových plynů lze používat i pro kontinuální měření plynů na koncovce výfuku za pomoci chladiče plynů a odlučovače kondenzátu.

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