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Diagnostický případ

Opravené vozidlo
Libor Fleischhans
Libor Fleischhans
Jazyk případu:

Long cranking after extended periods of no operation

19.03.2019 | aktualizováno 23.01.2020 13:25:51 0 26x

Informace o vozidle

VIN: TMBEL6NH6F4516573
Výrobce: Skoda
Model: Rapid Spaceback
Rok výroby: 2014
Kód motoru: 1,6 TDI CR
Typ motoru: CAYC
Výkon (kW): 77 kW
Převodovka: Manuální
Palivo: Diesel
Najeto: 190 728 km

Jak se závada projevuje

Jiné. Long cranking when the vehicle is not operated for several days. First problems started in October 2018.

Jak často se závada projevuje

  • Sporadicky / za specifických podmínek.
    • Za jiných podmínek. After several days of not being operated and after many long cranking attempts a DTC related to low fuel pressure is set.

V jakém systému se závada vyskytuje

  • Motoru.
  • po startu motoru
  • [P00C600] Fuel Rail Pressure Too Low - Engine Cranking
  • trvalá závada
  • sporadická závada

Doposud provedeno bez úspěchu

Previous workshop diagnostics:
The following parts were replaced without solving the issue: battery, glow plugs and fuel filter.
The owner of the vehicle refused all the other repair suggestions of the previous workshop like sending all the fuel injectors for testing and the replacement of the high-pressure pump due to increasing costs and uncertainty that this will solve the problem.

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